
4 Advantages of Cryptocurrency

Advantages Of Cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency is gradually becoming a norm in today’s world. Since the invention of Bitcoin in January 2009, crypto has become a household name and has sparked a plethora of debate in the world. Some people are all for it while others can not accept this new currency. Despite this divide, lots of merchants and institutions

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How Does Cryptocurrency Work?

How Does Cryptocurrency Work

Cryptocurrency is a new, modern currency that operates largely on the internet and without any central authority determining its value. Central banks usually set the value of the regular currency. This is not the case with cryptocurrency. In addition to its decentralization (no interference from banks), it is not a physical currency and is entirely

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Coinbase Review

Coinbase review

There are several digital currency exchanges available online with the increase in cryptocurrency recognition. However, in most cases, they each have distinct features. Available exchanges are either Hybrid exchanges (HEX), Decentralized exchanges (DEX), or Centralized exchanges (CEX). Centralized exchanges are known for their customer support which makes them suitable for cryptocurrency beginners. Compared to DEXs,

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Is Cryptocurrency Safe?

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“Is cryptocurrency safe?” This question has piqued the interest of several hundreds of individuals, especially those looking to join the trend in handling crypto. Of course, no one would want to plow the sand by entering into something unprofitable. However, some individuals are content knowing that there is a chance that their virtual investment looks

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Crypto Mining; What Is It?

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There are currently three known ways in which cryptocurrency is circulated. One can either purchase them on exchange platforms, get paid for services in them, or mine them. Of these three, some may wonder where cryptocurrencies in circulation are gotten from. What goes on behind the scenes to ensure that according to demand, cryptocurrencies are

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